A message from Archangel Raphael – Conscious Thinking

Archangel Raphael – Mind of God meditation

I AM Archangel Raphael. I am here to assist you with manifesting thoughts of pure awareness. The thoughts that you receive are either new or old. That is to say they are either of this realm the realm of the manifest or they are of Divine Source sent to land on your mind. Into your mental body he will place the thoughts which move you towards his purpose. For his purpose is your purpose.  The Divine Mind is the place where thoughts are formed. Once formed these thoughts are released into the realm of pure awareness. They are sent into the mental body of humanity, indeed into the mental body of every living creature. We of the Archangelic realm hold the responsibility of distribution. We are the overseers of the thoughts. The Divine Blueprint for humanity has been corrupted by thoughts which have been distributed without intention. I didn’t mean to say that is a lack of conscious intention.

We implore you to consider your thoughts, words, and deeds, yes. But I say to you now this is not necessary. It is only necessary that you become aware of your thoughts. As you sit in meditation your thoughts enter into your awareness. Your shame awakens and you wish to reject the thoughts. This is unnecessary if fact a destructive purpose as those rejected thoughts will seek solace in the mind of another. The thought that you become aware of a undesirable must be offered into the light.

These thoughts are carried on the wings of the angels to the flame of transmutation. The thoughts that you seek to hide from yourself you seek to hide from God. It is the purpose of humanity to transmute those thoughts which are yet unformed. The thought which has been changed by war is a thought of love. It is the love for family, for your home, your country, your community that causes you to wish to protect them. This fear that has permeated the consciousness of humanity has been perverted.

The Divine sent no fear to you. As humanity became one with the earth the it became necessary to create separation. Not separation from the Divine that is something that you, humanity, have convinced yourselves has happened. Separation from the Divine is impossible. It is the only possibility which can never be. The only aspect of life that you cannot call into being is separation.

The falsehood that separation has occurred or even that it can occur was born of fear and shame. The belief that one could “disappoint’ the Divine Source from which you came. The Father-Mother God Creator cannot feel or perceive of owning disappointment. Disappointment is immediately transmuted into compassion and understanding. It cannot enter the mind of God. When you are one with the mind of God you will not perceive of disappointment. The only separation is the space that you create out of fear.

Let go of the thought and release it into the light. It will return all the brighter. One cannot grasp air. As thoughts are formed of the mental plane, they are formed of air. They are ever changing and ever moving. One cannot hold a thought. This is also a fallacy. One may however, consider a thought and choose the purpose, indeed the intention of the thought. The thought already comes with intention. It has intended to land on your mind. One can see that this is so by the presence of the thought.

Sit with me a moment and I will relieve you of the burden of thought.

In that brief moment, there is only the mind of God. The space which is created between your thoughts is the light. There is no darkness. The darkness you perceive is not the absence of light. It is the presence of light in the space of rest. In that space one is able to perceive of only the presence of the Divine. This space in which humanity has placed the energy of though is the space in which the Divine is most present.

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