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Transform Your Thoughts

Thoughts can be as powerful as words. I was taught I am not responsible for my thoughts that I was only responsible for how I respond to them. This belief kept me from taking responsibility for my thoughts.

The way we think about ourselves, about others, about our lives, and about our world has power over what we believe. Thinking negatively about ourselves, our circumstances or world conditions doesn’t change anything except to attract more negativity.

Today I ask questions. What is this teaching me? What lesson can I learn from this circumstance or this situation?

I have the power to change my thoughts. My belief system has changed. Change is constant. It is the only constant there is. If I am negative I am feeding the negative energy around me and attracting more negativity. I need only take a step back.

When I can look within myself to find the source, I can find the power to change. Every negative thought sends negative energy. Every positive thought sends positive energy.

Thoughts have the power to harm others or to help just as words do. Psychic attacks can cause damage that can do as much harm as physical attacks.

Remember when you are learning to use the power of positive thinking to change your life, pass it on. The power of positive thinking is not only for times of prayer it is for everytime you find yourself directing negativity at anyone. As difficult as it might sound, we need to step beyond the belief that what we think about someone doesn’t affect them.

We hear all the time about redirecting our internal thoughts so as to repair internal damage and heal ourselves. Take it a step further and try redirecting your thoughts when they are being sent out into the universe. Thoughts may be more powerful than words!

It’s so easy to say I am sorry and then walk off still thinking damaging thoughts. Having been the recipient of a psychic attack I know that those who sent it out had no idea what would happen and I forgive them. Gossipping and bullying is not limited to words or social media any longer. It remains in the collective consciousness and it is damaging our universe.

Sending out love as and light and positive energy your way. I hope you all have an amazing angel blessed day.

Power Thinking