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Soul Retreival for Healing Trauma

Sometimes when we experience trauma if feels like a part of us is missing. I know that was true for me.

Throughout my healing journey I kept getting stuck. Traditional therapy wasn’t working. Medications didn’t work. I began exploring alternative therapies.

One of the theraputic methods that helped me to resolve issues after my mother’s death was a shamanic ancestral healing. I decided I wanted to know more.

That lead me to study soul retrieval. Trauma can cause what is referred to as soul loss.

Soul loss occurs when a part of our soul goes missing. This can cause us to feel as if there is a void that needs to be filled.

Soul loss can manifest as addiction or other obsessive compulsive behaviors. We may attempt to fill the void with alcohol or drugs, with food, or with activities such as shopping or work. These attempts may very successful for short periods but will ultimately fail and can increase the soul loss.

A soul retrieval allows us to journey to find the missing part and invite it to return. A soul retrieval practitioner can assist with this by journeying with you or journeying on your behalf to communicate with the soul part.

Once the connection is made the soul part will generally communicate the reason that it separated. Generally it will be concerned for its well being and will need reassurance that it is safe to return. During my own soul retrieval process many of my soul parts returned accompanied by spirit animals.

Some of the spirit animals returned with wounds that helped me to better understand the wounded parts of me. The animals represented the parts of me that were returning with them.

After a soul retrieval it is necessary to welcome back the soul parts and to integrate them. I will talk more about soul retrieval integration in another blog.

If you are interested in hearing more about soul retrieval please feel free to comment or to email me.

To book a soul retrieval or a soul integration session please follow the link above.

To connect please email

From my Soul Memory Retreival Workshop

The next workshop is on December 10th. You can sign up here:

Sign up Now: Soul Memory Retreival Workshop

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Think Life!

Think Positive – Live Longer

Harvard Researchers Conclude – An Optimism Mindset Increases Longevity

person holding white ceramci be happy painted mug
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , which included 159,255 women of varied racial backgrounds, linked higher levels of optimism to longer lifespans and to a increased possibility of living into your 90s! Researcher Dr. Hayami K. Koga concluded, “Optimism may be an important target of intervention for longevity across diverse groups.”

One way to change your mindset is to increase your spiritual connection. It isn’t important what you connect to. It could be a religion, nature, the stars, or a book club. While many people confuse spirituality and religion it is important to recognize that Spirituality awakens the spirit within you. That Spirit is your driving force or as the French say votre raison d’être – your reason to be.

Spirituality is defined as “the way individuals seek ultimate meaning, purpose, connection, value, or transcendence,” according to the International Consensus Conference on Spiritual Care in Health Care. Lack of purpose leads to a negative mindset. Searching for purpose increases optimism.

For someone who has mental health issues this can be particularly challenging. How do you increase optimism in the presence of suicidal thoughts? One way is to use the noisy neighbour method. I like to think of those thoughts as noisy neighbours. I have a neighbour who shouts regularly in the morning about how angry he is. He can often be heard to scream, “If anyone makes me angry today, I am going to kill you all! I mean it.” Having had my own challenges with uncontrollable rage helps me to put this in perspective.

Is the neighbour likely to kill us all? He breaks a lot of things. The windows in his house are broken out and there is debris on the street nearby. He listens to loud angry music. But I’ve never seen him out on the street fighting. I’ve never seen him do any damage to other people’s property. That neighbour was me. In my mind he’s more likely to hurt himself.

This moves me to compassion and understanding. I’ve been there. Its early morning, his cortisol is high, he’s likely not slept well. That’s my suicidal thought. It’s high cortisol, exhaustion, and overwhelm releasing itself into words. Optimism lowers cortisol, creates relaxation, and releases overwhelm.

Breaking it all down. I can start with “I want to die” and turn it into well look at that I want something! Yay! I have desires. Sounds silly right? It is, but silly creates laughter and laughter lowers cortisol. Disarming that noisy neighbour is the most effective way for me to create an optimistic mindset.

If I was to feed my fear, I could cower in my house worrying about the guy that shouts every morning getting a gun and going on a rampage. But with an optimistic mindset I can tell myself that I’m not even going to be home that day! I can hear my ego wake up now. Yah, but, that’s what I call my ego “yahbut”

Yahbut likes to have the first word, so it’s important to prepare a rebuttal before he wakes up. That’s where early morning affirmations come in. I like to start mine off before he gets here. Yahbut I am going to have a great day. Yahbut I like it when the sun doesn’t shine. Yahbut we need rain to put out those fires. Yahbut I have coffee. Yahbut there is sugar in the cupboard. Yahbut I’m already awake might as well get up.

Yahbut affirmations work!

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Life Reviews & Shadow work

What exactly is a life review?

A life review takes place after we die. The purpose is twofold. We are looking for the accomplishments that we will carry forward into the next life. Some would say that we are looking at the karma that we cleared. We are also looking for the karma that we created. The good news is that we don’t have to wait until we die to do this. It is possible to clear karma and learn more lessons while we are alive.

Some people call it shadow work when we are looking at the darkness in our past that created our present. This in and of itself is proof that we know that we create our reality. Accepting that the past has lessons brings hope that we can learn those lessons and survive doing so.

Shadow work is a search for the light within. When we get caught up in the shadow we can fall into despair. That’s when the life review angels can come in to help. They will come in to remind you that there is lots of time to learn the lessons. The Archangel Jeremiel is the Archangel who heads up the angels who lead us through our life review. We can call on him to assist us when we are diving into shadow work. Archangel Jeremiel will assist you with seeing the light and the lesson within the experience.

As you see the truth revealed in the lessons of the past it becomes harder to ignore it in the present. One of the lessons I have come to learn in this lifetime is honesty. Another is accountability. The challenges we face contain the lessons. As I did my shadow work one thing that came through loud and clear was that when I met the challenge with dishonesty my life got more difficult. Sometimes it appeared to get better. That was often because I got honest about being sick and I sought help from doctors and medications.

I’m not saying that medication is not useful in helping us to deal with the symptoms that stop us from facing the challenges. Depression, Anxiety, and Mania were all a part of my journey and sometimes still are. They are created by a combination of trauma and a chemical imbalance that kept me from seeing the truth while I was standing in the midst of it. Medication helped with the chemical imbalance but it didn’t make me honest. When I got honest about the medication, my vision cleared.

My shadow work revealed that I had been using that relationship to avoid the pain of having lost a relationship with my family after a breakdown in my marriage. I was unable to see the toxic relationship I was in. I was unable to believe that the abuse was not something that I was willingly submitting to. I used a combination of psychiatric medications and drugs to continue that relationship.

I would love to tell you I jumped into the shadow work willingly, but I didn’t. It is seldom my experience that anyone willingly takes on a life review. It took a complete break with reality to get me to look at myself and my patterns.

It was during this that I met Archangel Jeremiel. I was diving so deep and so fast it was causing me great pain. I had previous suicide attempts, I would that I could quit and just get on with the life review.  I was unable to see that I could quit. That is I could set aside my shadow work and live my life to the best of my ability. I had the freedom to return to it when I was ready. I was unable to see that I was free!  I had been warned by some fellow students to slow down. One met with my guides and they revealed to her that I was like a baby eating steak. I was so desperate to claw my way out of the hole in my mind that I ignored her. Voices had crawled in and were like cancer cells forming in my body. I could hear them from spaces within my back, my stomach and even my legs and feet on occasion. My head was filled with them.

I called on my guardian angel for protection at least twice a day. Sometimes I would call all day. Then Michael came. A hand reached out from above me. I believed it to be the hand of the Lord. Later I came to understand that it was Archangel Michael who called me out of the darkness. I would hear the name Michael over and over. In my insanity I believed it was communication from a boyfriend from my youth who had died. Sometimes other Angels would be there too. I recall one saying “Uri is playing God again”. It took me a very long time to trust Archangel Uriel. I thought that he was the reason that I was so sick!

Blaming others is only one of the things that blocked me from seeing the truth. I was unable or unwilling to see that I had indeed created the problem. The angels had actually started speaking louder than the voices that told me to kill myself or to use drugs to forget. They gave guidance that permeated my insanity. One said, “She needs to learn to use her chakras” another “She needs to look up psychic mediums”. I wasn’t well enough to break apart the sentences like I can today. I did need to look up! I am also a psychic medium. They told me I was a conduit, a channel.

Today I can laugh at the exasperation that my guide must have felt as it tried to drop hints, breadcrumbs, to lead me out of that insanity. I had stopped trusting people. The doctor I did trust was away on sabbatical and the others were strangers who didn’t even understand what I was trying to tell them. I wandered around the hospital repeating, “Trust the Lord. The devil is in the confusion.” I was lost in the shadow.

I also learned that when you get lost in the shadow you can on Archangel Cassiel. Archangel Cassiel works with orphans and lost souls. He works with the lost souls whether they are living or dead. I was both. I wasn’t an actual orphan, that was just something my Mom called me in jest. The orphan from next door.

As I write a voice often corrects my use of “he” to refer to an Archangel. They can appear to us as male, female, or non-binary. When I was feeling at my worst most appeared to me as male. Possibly because I didn’t trust women at all!

Today I work with many of the Archangels. They have helped me to accept my light and to lift the shadow around it. I was guided to write a book and share my story to help others. Maybe I will finish it someday. Today I still have the lesson of impatience to overcome.

Until next time…or until the book gets finished. Thank you for reading. Share if you like.

Angel Blessings,
