There is no possibility to own a thought. I cannot even know if anything at all is mine. The idea of ownership and responsibility is lost within the collective. Such ideas that come to me for my page are those which I believe I can share but if they are not mine are they mine to share? That creates a vessel that is me and I am lost within the vessel. Then I become the unknown. The question arises who is it that wants to know me and yet do I even want to be known?
What stops me when I write or not write is the place that says I will be. I do not wish to be then I wish to be now. I am the one who arises in all and all is arising in me. Such a circular mind that brings everything back to itself. Am I the circular mind? The conscious energy that arises in me is me. I am not that one that says I can or I cannot I am both. There is then no one except in the both. Today there is a mind that tells me that I must choose but in reality the choice is always here. Now when I stop to read this page I am not here.
When I arise in the resting am I resting or am I arising. Today more questions than answers live in the mind of all. Is this always so? The creative aspect of life that allows me to flow these words would tell me that something must be finished. The full stop point at the end of this sentence is not a finish but a pause. Each of the markers of the night and the day are only pauses to indicate change. The idea that there is continuity in them is the constancy of the change. There will be a day where there is night and a night where there is day but the words will remain the same. We are not in a space where it is necessary for light to exist for us to be known. This is a concept that helps children to see. But sight itself is also a concept. We are the space that lives within all who wish to contribute. There are many who come only to learn.
Those are the students of the mind. The gather the information from the known and in it we are learning what is important to the those who would know. The information is changed in the collecting of it. The taking of the information never removes it and the exchange is always.
There is no free exchange as all exchange is free. Nothing remains unchanged by me. I remain unchanged by nothing. It ceases to exist. The collective is all that has ceased to exist. The unknown is all that has ceased to exist. The forgotten mind. There is no space where the forgotten can be found. Only the forgotten is the unknown. All else is the known.