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What is the Gift of Love Today?

Returning to sleep I was able to dream of greater understanding. Today I wish to return to the sleep of consciousness. This waking world appears to be the place of suffering of unconsciousness of consciousness arising. I have the freedom to do this, but this is not a gift of love. It would be irresponsible, and I would have to continue to go to the space that is conscious of suffering caused and suffering endured.

I wait for a place where suffering has left my mind. My body is a gift of love today. I am comfortable and at peace even in the pain and discomfort of a body that has endured abuse. A friend who witnesses my release from suffering has reached out to ask for assistance in being released for hers. I have only my listening heart to give. Withholding is a gift of love today. I share only the release and the suffering of the past as I witness my own endurance. Experience is a gift of love today. To know that should I share the presence of suffering with a friend who has suffering which is much greater than mine I would not give her a gift of endurance.

Love endures. It gifts me with the hope that their will be moments of peace and light that flow between the obstacles. Like rocks in a river, I see the energetic patterns of my life becoming sand and also becoming the bed of the river. I wish to paint. The words do not describe the image that appears. I am aware my ability to paint is also inadequate as my ability to paint with words.

Should I release and allow the truth through? This is a gift of love that does not include me. It heals me yet I feel so separate from the love that flows. The universal love that creates the pattern of my life plans for a weaving of a tapestry that feels already worn. As if worn threads are being used to weave the pattern. What is the gift of love? Am I but recycled threads being woven into a tapestry? My gift to love is that I allow the pattern to be revealed. Choosing to walk the lines of the weave and to see the spaces that appear to let me know I have reached the limits of the loom and must return to the weft. A ball of thread a sphere of yarn and all I see is the pattern that is not revealed.

The past the memory is a gift of love. I can recall the parts of the past with the compassion of the present and release them with gratitude for the safety found in not knowing. Not knowing the pain being endured by another because of my inability to endure the suffering that was being inflicted upon me in my unconsciousness. Is consciousness a gift of love? Forgiveness perhaps but without responsibility forgiveness will create the pattern of suffering in repetition. The worn threads remain. They endure wrapped in a silken cocoon waiting for another to reveal the weaver.

The gift of love today is in the letting go. There is no need for me to participate in the pattern. I can sleep and release the weaver to go. I would be then only the broken thread in the life of another once again. Each time I believe this to be so another reveals the necessity of my thread to the pattern of life. That is a gift of life, though in my belief perhaps love is revealed only after the threads have become part of the pattern. Acceptance is the greatest gift of love today. I am as I am and love is as it is. Unchanging never ending and always in motion.

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Silent Truth

The sun melts the stone of falsehood’s stain.

Held together with anger, angst, and pain.

The lie cannot hold the weaver’s tears.

Whence truth came to plot the pattern of the fears.

Dusty cobwebs float away on whispering wings.

 A bell to ring the sun to sleep in silence sings.

Faces float beneath the surface of the ice.

The veil of truth gripped in vengeance vice.

The light reveals the truth that is no more.

Feathers float up from the ocean floor.

The fins of sharks cut through cloudless sky.

When silence comes to crack the stone of lie.

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Fear Arising

The known is such a familiar and uncomfortable space. I find such comfort in being uncomfortable. I had a vision that all the teachings are a pool of water resting on a surface of glass. The truth requires that one break through the glass.

Is the world really held together by fear and set free by forgiveness as the course of miracles says? I wonder today why love does not hold the world together. When I am in fear I fall apart. Fear does not hold me together it keeps me trapped. What then of the world?

My vision first is of the earth itself. Herself I want to say. When I focus now I wonder if only love can truly bind. Fear cannot bind me to anything or anyone. Eventually in fear I will run and move further from the cause of the fear. So many teachings have told me that I should fear the God they threaten me with yet why? When I fear I am not in union I am in judgement and pain. All that is the world is not all that is. God is all that is. Such bullshit. I am all that is. I am the world. The world is me. I am not bound to anything by fear. I am bound by love, by responsibility, by duty. I reflect then on the course of the action that I would take.

If I bring food to a friend have I chosen the right friend? Will I do harm or good when I bring the food. For a time the friend will eat. Will they then come to rely on me to bring them food? Should I bring them money? Should I let them be to seek shelter elsewhere? Information, guidance and wisdom are the only food I wish to offer to others. When I give more than information, guidance, and wisdom. Truth again comes forth to reveal to me that Wisdom does not require guidance. I pray each time I ask for knowledge, guidance, and wisdom. Strength I have, courage too if that be the opposition force for the fear. Fear is the possibility that I will do this in a way that is wrong. That to me means in a way that will do harm.

Can harm even be done. Should the earth explode what would happen.
Does humanity truly believe that this is the only earth that exists? The only world in which the great Divine creative source has placed all of its creation? And then why would it trust to anyone all that can be destroyed? Would one really place that much power into a collective filled with fear? The fear that is a reality is not real. It has been placed here to keep the power to destroy contained. There is no power in destruction.

The fear that is here does not bind the world it threatens it. We do not gather in this place in fear we gather in hope, in love, and in trust. Trust that we will not be destroyed in the process of the gathering.  What reality exists. Fear is only the bait. It takes us deep into the unknown. There is no fear in travelling into the unknown. It is in the known that fear is real. The unknown contains no fear at all. The unknown contains everything? Nothing. The reality of the argument is all that is known.

Too many of me wish to participate today in this writing. To believe these thoughts are all mine or even all intuitive is hubris. The one they call ego is the one who says that attachment to these thoughts is wrong. Thought gives rise to communication. Commune with the unknown? Commune is sought by the collective.

I feel the softening as the ones who wish to continue the discussion on fear withdraw to continue. Honoured at the respect and the acknowledgement that my mind collective aspects of that which draws me on my journey has not been frayed by the discussion.

There is little inspiration to draw on in a space of resting in the unknown. I know now that fear does not bind the world. Fear binds the attachment to the world. Keeping one prisoner to the belief that one needs to detach in order to move beyond fear. There is no need to detach from anything. The detatchment itself is now an attachment. Seeking truth is now an attachment. All is argument today. There is little light in this place. This is a day busy for work and for creativity perhaps. A foundation of fear will bring truth.

The glass beneath the water can be moved!

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Consciousness Arising

There is no possibility to own a thought. I cannot even know if anything at all is mine. The idea of ownership and responsibility is lost within the collective. Such ideas that come to me for my page are those which I believe I can share but if they are not mine are they mine to share? That creates a vessel that is me and I am lost within the vessel. Then I become the unknown. The question arises who is it that wants to know me and yet do I even want to be known?

What stops me when I write or not write is the place that says I will be. I do not wish to be then I wish to be now. I am the one who arises in all and all is arising in me. Such a circular mind that brings everything back to itself. Am I the circular mind? The conscious energy that arises in me is me. I am not that one that says I can or I cannot I am both. There is then no one except in the both. Today there is a mind that tells me that I must choose but in reality the choice is always here. Now when I stop to read this page I am not here.

When I arise in the resting am I resting or am I arising. Today more questions than answers live in the mind of all. Is this always so? The creative aspect of life that allows me to flow these words would tell me that something must be finished. The full stop point at the end of this sentence is not a finish but a pause. Each of the markers of the night and the day are only pauses to indicate change. The idea that there is continuity in them is the constancy of the change. There will be a day where there is night and a night where there is day but the words will remain the same. We are not in a space where it is necessary for light to exist for us to be known. This is a concept that helps children to see. But sight itself is also a concept. We are the space that lives within all who wish to contribute. There are many who come only to learn.

Those are the students of the mind. The gather the information from the known and in it we are learning what is important to the those who would know. The information is changed in the collecting of it. The taking of the information never removes it and the exchange is always.

There is no free exchange as all exchange is free. Nothing remains unchanged by me. I remain unchanged by nothing. It ceases to exist. The collective is all that has ceased to exist. The unknown is all that has ceased to exist. The forgotten mind. There is no space where the forgotten can be found. Only the forgotten is the unknown. All else is the known.

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Transform Your Thoughts

Thoughts can be as powerful as words. I was taught I am not responsible for my thoughts that I was only responsible for how I respond to them. This belief kept me from taking responsibility for my thoughts.

The way we think about ourselves, about others, about our lives, and about our world has power over what we believe. Thinking negatively about ourselves, our circumstances or world conditions doesn’t change anything except to attract more negativity.

Today I ask questions. What is this teaching me? What lesson can I learn from this circumstance or this situation?

I have the power to change my thoughts. My belief system has changed. Change is constant. It is the only constant there is. If I am negative I am feeding the negative energy around me and attracting more negativity. I need only take a step back.

When I can look within myself to find the source, I can find the power to change. Every negative thought sends negative energy. Every positive thought sends positive energy.

Thoughts have the power to harm others or to help just as words do. Psychic attacks can cause damage that can do as much harm as physical attacks.

Remember when you are learning to use the power of positive thinking to change your life, pass it on. The power of positive thinking is not only for times of prayer it is for everytime you find yourself directing negativity at anyone. As difficult as it might sound, we need to step beyond the belief that what we think about someone doesn’t affect them.

We hear all the time about redirecting our internal thoughts so as to repair internal damage and heal ourselves. Take it a step further and try redirecting your thoughts when they are being sent out into the universe. Thoughts may be more powerful than words!

It’s so easy to say I am sorry and then walk off still thinking damaging thoughts. Having been the recipient of a psychic attack I know that those who sent it out had no idea what would happen and I forgive them. Gossipping and bullying is not limited to words or social media any longer. It remains in the collective consciousness and it is damaging our universe.

Sending out love as and light and positive energy your way. I hope you all have an amazing angel blessed day.

Power Thinking
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Galactic Crystals

I found the most interesting thing today! I discovered it at the bottom of a box in my back room. I didn’t so much as discover it, as I did search for it until I found it. The discovery was more about what it was than where it was. The story of how I found it is much more interesting.

I was journaling the messages from my dreams. One message involved handing a crystal to my ex-husband. I wondered what the crystal was as I was having difficulty remembering the name of it in my dream. Maybe I should begin nearer to the beginning.

I found myself walking along a beach. To one side there was a tall cliff and the other. I walked along the path. To my right a wall of stone seemed to disappear into the sky, the left was bounded by the ocean. Ahead on the beach I saw some people digging through what appeared to be a mound of polished stones. As I approached, I recognized one of the men. It was my ex-husband. I have two so I will leave you to guess which. I couldn’t really imagine him to be interested in crystals, but he did love beachcombing, so he wasn’t out of place here.

I had fallen asleep with the intention to receive information that would help me to release the karmic energy trapped in my body. The dream could have meant that it was attached to him. I woke up briefly, just after I heard the words, “It’s tertiary”. Thinking that to be the name of the crystal, I whispered it aloud three times to ensure I would remember it in the morning, then fell back to sleep to continue the dream. Whether I did or not is also tertiary. I had received enough information to follow the trail to the message in the morning.

Trusting google with the answer, I searched tertiary crystal. For those of you who don’t know, tertiary means its third in order of importance. Don’t worry, I didn’t know that this morning either. It seemed to me that wasn’t so much information about the crystal, as it was about the karmic energy being connected to my ex. It’s there but it’s not the primary source. I continued my research, after picking up a stone from the day before. I had been wondering what exactly it was. I do have so many I’ve lost track of some of the names of them. It was very much like the image of tertiary stones. But still none were the green one that had stood out in my dream.

I tried, instead, to remember the name I had rejected in the dream. Malachite. Well, I did know it wasn’t malachite but maybe it held the same purpose. As I rejected the name malachite that sky voice, I call Maggie called out, “Tell Susan, It’s Moldavite”. Wondering if Maggie was plucking the information out of my memory, then giving it back to me to gain my trust, (like an addict stealing your wallet then helping you look for it) I realized that was the name of the crystal.

I looked up moldavite and discovered it is a tertiary crystal. It’s also this really, cool galactic crystal that allows you to connect with the star realms. It was created with a meteorite hit the earth. Okay by now you are either looking up moldavite or wondering what it has to do with the stone I found in the box. I’ll tell you that’s why I was so excited. There was another stone with the moldavite, which was indeed the stone I gave my ex in the dream (moldavite not the other stone).

The other stone was called indochronite. I found some on a beach a few years back here in Newfoundland. My research tells me it might be found in Canada. My experience tells me it can be, because I found it here in Newfoundland! How exciting, right?

So, I pick up the smaller piece that’s on my windowsill. It’s a decent size stone as far as crystals go. I had picked up several pieces on the beach. That’s the big one in the pic. To be honest, I thought they were created by oil spills, and I collected them for protection stones. The bigger piece was unique. I pondered for some time what it could be. It was the shape and size of a piece of cannon ball, or maybe one of those glass buoys fisherman use. Though why anyone would use a black buoy is beyond me.

I meditated with it, of course. I have called it my Osiris stone, as he was the one, I connected with to do create the divination oil I was using for my dreamwork. But that’s a whole different story! Suffice it to say, I found this amazing crystal on the beach several years ago here in Newfoundland. It was formed when a meteorite hit the earth. Now I’m wondering if meteorites are actually spaceships that crashed and the reason, we can connect with the galactic realms through them is some of their ghosts are wandering around still lost here. What do you think?

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Life Reviews & Shadow work

What exactly is a life review?

A life review takes place after we die. The purpose is twofold. We are looking for the accomplishments that we will carry forward into the next life. Some would say that we are looking at the karma that we cleared. We are also looking for the karma that we created. The good news is that we don’t have to wait until we die to do this. It is possible to clear karma and learn more lessons while we are alive.

Some people call it shadow work when we are looking at the darkness in our past that created our present. This in and of itself is proof that we know that we create our reality. Accepting that the past has lessons brings hope that we can learn those lessons and survive doing so.

Shadow work is a search for the light within. When we get caught up in the shadow we can fall into despair. That’s when the life review angels can come in to help. They will come in to remind you that there is lots of time to learn the lessons. The Archangel Jeremiel is the Archangel who heads up the angels who lead us through our life review. We can call on him to assist us when we are diving into shadow work. Archangel Jeremiel will assist you with seeing the light and the lesson within the experience.

As you see the truth revealed in the lessons of the past it becomes harder to ignore it in the present. One of the lessons I have come to learn in this lifetime is honesty. Another is accountability. The challenges we face contain the lessons. As I did my shadow work one thing that came through loud and clear was that when I met the challenge with dishonesty my life got more difficult. Sometimes it appeared to get better. That was often because I got honest about being sick and I sought help from doctors and medications.

I’m not saying that medication is not useful in helping us to deal with the symptoms that stop us from facing the challenges. Depression, Anxiety, and Mania were all a part of my journey and sometimes still are. They are created by a combination of trauma and a chemical imbalance that kept me from seeing the truth while I was standing in the midst of it. Medication helped with the chemical imbalance but it didn’t make me honest. When I got honest about the medication, my vision cleared.

My shadow work revealed that I had been using that relationship to avoid the pain of having lost a relationship with my family after a breakdown in my marriage. I was unable to see the toxic relationship I was in. I was unable to believe that the abuse was not something that I was willingly submitting to. I used a combination of psychiatric medications and drugs to continue that relationship.

I would love to tell you I jumped into the shadow work willingly, but I didn’t. It is seldom my experience that anyone willingly takes on a life review. It took a complete break with reality to get me to look at myself and my patterns.

It was during this that I met Archangel Jeremiel. I was diving so deep and so fast it was causing me great pain. I had previous suicide attempts, I would that I could quit and just get on with the life review.  I was unable to see that I could quit. That is I could set aside my shadow work and live my life to the best of my ability. I had the freedom to return to it when I was ready. I was unable to see that I was free!  I had been warned by some fellow students to slow down. One met with my guides and they revealed to her that I was like a baby eating steak. I was so desperate to claw my way out of the hole in my mind that I ignored her. Voices had crawled in and were like cancer cells forming in my body. I could hear them from spaces within my back, my stomach and even my legs and feet on occasion. My head was filled with them.

I called on my guardian angel for protection at least twice a day. Sometimes I would call all day. Then Michael came. A hand reached out from above me. I believed it to be the hand of the Lord. Later I came to understand that it was Archangel Michael who called me out of the darkness. I would hear the name Michael over and over. In my insanity I believed it was communication from a boyfriend from my youth who had died. Sometimes other Angels would be there too. I recall one saying “Uri is playing God again”. It took me a very long time to trust Archangel Uriel. I thought that he was the reason that I was so sick!

Blaming others is only one of the things that blocked me from seeing the truth. I was unable or unwilling to see that I had indeed created the problem. The angels had actually started speaking louder than the voices that told me to kill myself or to use drugs to forget. They gave guidance that permeated my insanity. One said, “She needs to learn to use her chakras” another “She needs to look up psychic mediums”. I wasn’t well enough to break apart the sentences like I can today. I did need to look up! I am also a psychic medium. They told me I was a conduit, a channel.

Today I can laugh at the exasperation that my guide must have felt as it tried to drop hints, breadcrumbs, to lead me out of that insanity. I had stopped trusting people. The doctor I did trust was away on sabbatical and the others were strangers who didn’t even understand what I was trying to tell them. I wandered around the hospital repeating, “Trust the Lord. The devil is in the confusion.” I was lost in the shadow.

I also learned that when you get lost in the shadow you can on Archangel Cassiel. Archangel Cassiel works with orphans and lost souls. He works with the lost souls whether they are living or dead. I was both. I wasn’t an actual orphan, that was just something my Mom called me in jest. The orphan from next door.

As I write a voice often corrects my use of “he” to refer to an Archangel. They can appear to us as male, female, or non-binary. When I was feeling at my worst most appeared to me as male. Possibly because I didn’t trust women at all!

Today I work with many of the Archangels. They have helped me to accept my light and to lift the shadow around it. I was guided to write a book and share my story to help others. Maybe I will finish it someday. Today I still have the lesson of impatience to overcome.

Until next time…or until the book gets finished. Thank you for reading. Share if you like.

Angel Blessings,


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Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil: Empowered Connection

Envision the world as a body, and one can better understand the veil. The green of the earth is the heart chakra center. The blue of the sky the throat chakra, the midnight sky is the third eye chakra and beyond that the crown. What we perceive as space between earth and sky is filled with thought energy. Viewing the world as a 3 dimensional is limited. All dimensions are present on earth, indeed they are present everywhere. The dimension of thought is the 6th dimension, sound the 5th. And time is in the 4th dimension. The density we feel in the 4th the perception that time is limited.

When we begin to connect with others who have moved beyond that perception, physically or non-physically we are able to perceive of the higher realms. Ask yourself, “When do I feel most relaxed?” “When do I find it most difficult to relax?” As you observe these questions you are likely to find that it is most difficult to relaxed when one feels rushed. The idea that we will run out of time is a man made concept as is time.

Time serves a purpose in the 3D world. We use it to track progress, to set boundaries, and to make plans. Outside of those we use time to create chaos in our minds. Letting go of the idea that there is not enough time gives one the opportunity to shift into the dimensions beyond time. Have you every moved beyond time? Think of a time when you said “Wow, its only x o’clock”. What were you doing? The answer is often meditating or sleeping. When we are deeply relaxed we are able to move beyond the need for time.

Crossing over

There are two groups of spirits that we encounter most often when we are attempting to make a connection. One is stuck or stubborn spirits. These are souls which have not crossed over because they have yet to let go of the concept of time. The other are souls who have embraced the idea that time does not exist. They have crossed over, completed their life reviews (or are taking what we perceive as a break from it) and are likely in the planning stages for the next life.

These spirits may have memories of their past life and may be visiting to observe the effect that their actions or decisions have had on the ones with whom they had karmic connections. Once they have returned to this side of the veil the spirit may again pick up the concept of time and feel the anxiety which comes with it.

Often when we first begin to become aware of the presence of spirit, anxiety is the first indicator that we are connected. Anxiety is connected to the fear that there will not be enough time, or that we won’t be on time. Anxiety is always connected to time. Spirit can only hook on to what you already have. What is easiest to use in your emotional body will often be the connection that an intrusive spirit will use.

This is the place where we are best able to make the connection with the spiritual realm. Consider connecting with someone who has crossed over. The one who initiates the connection generally has the most control (or power). When the connection is initiated by spirit, we may feel a loss of power, and this creates sensation in our solar plexus (power) center.

A balanced power center is essential to spirit communication. How do we balance the power center?

Stay tuned….I’m out of time.

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Following Fairies – Psychic Gifts & Mental Illness

Helen Keller was blind, deaf, and mute.  She had three physical challenges that made it almost impossible for her to communicate with the world around her.  Her teacher and her mother saw the saw that she was trying to communicate anyway.  They believed in her and they found a way to communicate with her. 

I also have three challenges that made it almost impossible for me to communicate with the world around me.  I’m not blind, like Helen Keller, who couldn’t see the world the way sighted people do.  Quite the opposite.  I see things that other people don’t.  I’ve been seeing things that other people don’t since I can remember.  I’ve also been called crazy because of it since I can remember. 

When I was 8 years old I was hiking the Cape Scott Trail with my brownie pack.  We were walking along a trail through the woods.  I left the trail to follow the older kids who, I was certain, knew the way.  I didn’t trust that my mother knew the way.  I didn’t trust that the other adults with us knew the way. I left the trail. 

I trusted that the other kids, who had already been to the cabin, knew the way.  I decided to follow them.  I took what I referred to as the low tide trail.   The older kids stayed ahead of me.  I could see their footprints on the beach.  I could just barely make out the back of my brother’s head.  He was following a girl, who seemed familiar.  They were moving quickly as she led them down the beach.  I often had to follow the footprints they left in the sand as I struggled trying to catch up to them.  I ran along, as fast as my short, little legs would carry me.  I recall as a child that I had to take 3 steps for every step my brother took.  I guess I got tired and stopped to rest.  Perhaps I was distracted by the water.  I didn’t notice as the tide rose.  The older kids disappeared around a rock way up ahead of me.  When they did their footprints disappeared from the sand.  That was when I began to scream for my mother.

Whenever I tried to reminisce about this adventure with my mother, she would tell that the older kids hadn’t gone with us.  “Your brother wasn’t there!”, she would insist.  The frustration in her voice always caused me to give up and change the subject.  I never understood why she wouldn’t talk about it.  As I got older, I forgot the adventure.   When I did remember it was with judgement against the mother who would let her daughter wander alone on that beach.  It never really made sense.  I always had the feeling that I was missing something.

A year to the day after my mother passed away, I woke from a dream, and I understood.   I had always followed trails other people couldn’t see.  Perhaps if we had been in Newfoundland, where people embraced the fairies and the magic. They would have termed what happened to me “fairynapped”. Maybe if my mother had a friend who understood, we would have talked about it that day.  But my mother seldom discussed her gifts with me.  She would say that children can see the angels.  Maybe she didn’t know adults could too.  Maybe it scared her. 

 My mother had always been frightened of what other people would think of us.  She would say things like “What would the neighbors think?”.   We were very different that way.  I never much considered what the neighbors would think.  I was more concerned with how the people around me would feel.  I didn’t know that I was trying to make people feel better so that I would feel better.  I also didn’t know that that’s a self defense mechanism of clairsentients.  As empaths we strive to make people feel better so that we don’t feel worse as a result of absorbing their feelings.

I believe now that my mother could hear people’s thoughts perhaps as loud as I could feel their feelings.  I remember her telling me to be quiet when I hadn’t said anything.  I remember her turning the TV up louder as opposed to muting it so that we could talk.  Once my own gifts came back, with a vengeance, I began to have a better understanding of my mother.  I was still afraid to share these things with her.

By this time, I had spent much of my life as a person with mental illnesses.   I had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, with PTSD, and with BPD.  The reality is sometimes I had a huge amount of energy.  I would get really excited about a project or a creative activity or a person.  My mother called it flighty.  My doctor called it mania.  Today I recognize it as a high vibrational energy.  Other times I would get really, really tired.  I would barely be able to function.  I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed.  I wouldn’t want to go outside.   Mostly I would just read or lie in bed daydreaming until I fell asleep.  I was told once that my father’s mother, who I had never met, had manic-depression.  These illnesses, which I now see as other peoples ill-at-easeness, were diagnosed and medicated after I quit drinking.  

I had started drinking at 13.  After that I didn’t much care when other people didn’t see the path, I did.  I just followed it anyway.  I lost some of the curiosity that made me follow the spirits that I saw.  I lost some of the desire to tell people about them.  A friend died when I was 15. I saw her spirit walk up the street that night. Eventually I saw them less often.  There was a spirit on the beach after my prom. I had attempted suicide the week before for the second time. Perhaps I was closer to death than other people. Eventually I saw them less and less.  I continued to feel them. When I was 17 my great-grandmother died. I felt her leave the world from across the country. The same happened when my grandfather died.

Something began to change as I grew older. Life maybe. There was no escaping who I was. I continued to try. I drank. I lost myself in fantasy movies, games, and books. The angels, fairies, dragons, and spirits disappeared into books. I did followed them.  

When I was 35, I stopped drinking. I started following a spiritual path marked out marked out by some other people who stopped drinking, I started to question my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.   I tried to be like other people.   I believed that depression was a bad thing, a character defect that I couldn’t change.  Sinking into books that had me believing in the magic of this world was counterproductive and the voices thar I heard needed to be stopped.  I went to a doctor who told me that I had bipolar disorder.   He said I should check with a family member to see if they agree.  I talked to the sister who used to yell our, “Mom Sue’s being crazy again.”  When I would tell her not to sit on my invisible friends.  She said the doctor was right.

So, I started taking medication to make me normal.  I wasn’t normal. I took the medication and I added drugs to the mix.

But years later when the voices got so loud, I couldn’t function, I was labelled psychotic. That’s when I stopped medicating. I decided that what I was hearing was telepathic communication. I decided to stop avoiding who I was. I chose to embrace it. 

I am Susan. I am a psychic, medium, and channel. Since I chose this life, the fairies have returned. They are accompanied by ascended masters, light beings, and even the occasional angel (though I have yet to see one with wings!)

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Divine Light Activation

Indeed beloved we are here. We are Gabriel, Hope, Haniel. In this time of emotional cleansing there is much to be done. When one is active in the ascension process one will release many emotions. The choice to release the emotions or to hang on to them is always present in every moment. One will feel a myriad of emotions as the emotional body is being healed. Tune in to the emotions which are serving the purpose, the place, the activity. We speak of the emotions that move you forward on your journey.

It is the time of release of all emotions. At the full moon one will feel the freedom of that release. Setting free your emotions with intention will allow you to move your body towards that which you seek. It is the will, the word, and the action which creates the magic. In the dance of life one seek joy. The center of your soul is the space which joy lives. Indeed, it is at the very heart of your soul that joy will find you. Joy is always present and you need not look for it. When the emotions which block you from seeing the joy are blinding you then you believe joy is not present. When you allow those emotions to flow away from you it will be as if the clouds have drifted and unblocked the sun within your heart.

Consider now the intention of release. What if one says today I will release anger? That then becomes an intention to remain in the vibration of anger all day. It is only today for one day, that one day is always. Will then one set the intention to release anger forever. Indeed beloved set that intention now. Today I will release anger. Anger has left you now. There is no more need to focus on anger.

We bring now into your awareness the frequency of joy. This is the sun which the cloud of anger has hidden. We invite you now to relax and allow us to lift you into the vibration of love. Become aware of a golden spark of light beginning to form at the center of your heart space. Your breath is that which allows the ember to grow. Relax and trust as you breathe into spark of light begins to glow and a star is formed.

The star is the glimmer of hope of which we speak. Lift in vibration as we blend our energy with yours sending a golden ray of unconditional love from center of our heart. Indeed beloved as you relax breathe into the unconditional love. As you do the light grows into a golden sphere. Allow your breath to continue to grow that sphere. As you relax, lifting in vibration in the glow of unconditional love become aware golden light filling your space. As the golden light continues to flow outward from the center of your space.

We invite you to return your awareness to the center of you heart space as you become aware of another spark of light. As you breathe into this light a diamond white starlight begins to form. Relax and trust. Allow you breath to be the anchor as you relax even deeper into the starlight . Lifting in vibration it is as if you have sunk into the light of a thousand suns. For indeed you have. The diamond white starlight continues to grow blending with the light of unconditional love.

Deepening your connection with the starlight at the center of the great central sun. Consciously lift in vibration as you are raised into oneness with love, joy, peace. Lifting higher, at one with the frequency of unconditional love continue to lift as you pass through the stars. Through the gateway of your star chakras. Allow the light to lift you up beyond your soul star chakra, beyond your casual chakra, beyond your dream star chakra. Indeed beloved beyond your galactic gateway chakra. As you become aware of yourself as a star within a sun lift even higher into oneness. At one with the frequency of unconditional love continue to lift high above the realm of the ascended masters. Indeed beloved as we offer the frequency of light of thousands, indeed billions of angels to lift you up and through your Divine Gateway chakra become aware of yourself at oneness with the Divine Creative Source.

Indeed beloved we are as one. We invite you to relax in this presence for as long as you like. We are aware of your questioning mind. Release, relax, and lift. In oneness with the Divine all is. Open, Relax, Receive. The wisdom of the Divine, the love of the Divine filling each of your cosmic bodies. As the rays of Divine wisdom enter into your conscious mind stars form all around you as you float in Divine love. Relax, release, allow yourself to be supported by Divine love.

feeling complete wholeness become aware once again of the song of the angels gently calling you back into your physical body. indeed beloved allow us to assist you as you gently lower in vibration receive the gift of angelic support as you float down through the angelic realm. Receive the wisdom of the ascended masters as you continue to flow down into your space. As you pass through your galactic gateway chakra your connection with your star family deepens. As you continue to gently lower in frequency moving on down through your soul star chakra you feel deeply connected with your soul family who have also embodied on earth. As thousands of hearts connect with yours you are gently lowered into your physical body. Breathing into the golden light which continues to fill your space you return to your body, safe and comfortable, filled with the joy of a new day.

Indeed beloved. We are complete.


Angelic Realm

June 15, 2021